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Understanding the Indramat F634 Fault Code

9 October, 2023   |   Indramat, F634, Fault, Code, Understanding, Repair, Diagnosis

Indramat VAM module Stop button

Indramat, a company formerly active in the production of various motion control system components like motors, drive controllers, encoders, and power supplies, ceased operations, leading to the discontinuation of its products. To assist users with troubleshooting, Indramat developed an error code system; some of these issues can be resolved internally, while others may necessitate professional help.


One of the error codes, the F634 fault code, pertains to traverse range errors and appears on the drive controller's H1 status indicator as "F6" and "34" alternating. This particular error is activated when the emergency stop device is engaged, leading to an immediate halt in drive operations and resetting the velocity set point to zero. Additionally, this error results in the drive setting the speed command immediately to zero.


Functions of the Emergency Stop Switch


In industrial settings, the emergency stop switch is crucial for rapidly ceasing operations or mechanical processes during emergencies to avert potential dangers. This switch is typically a prominent red button labeled "Emergency Stop." The main functions of the emergency stop switch include:

Quickly disconnecting the power supply to halt the machinery or equipment.

Stopping ongoing production processes instantly.

Preventing any possible release of hazardous materials.



1. What are the key components of the emergency stop switch?

The emergency stop switch includes vital components that ensure its effective operation. A significant component is a relay switch that controls the power flow to the machinery. Another important part is a contactor that cuts off the power supply to halt the machines. It's crucial for the emergency stop switch to be positioned where it can be easily accessed.


2. What occurs when the emergency stop switch is activated?

Activating the emergency stop switch stops the machine’s operations immediately, setting the command value to zero. Concurrently, this triggers an error notification in the Class 1 diagnostics parameter S-0-0011 and produces the F634 fault code.


3. Is it possible to resolve the F634 fault code internally?

Resolving the F634 fault code in-house might be feasible, yet it's recommended to seek professional expertise. Various factors could trigger the emergency stop, and identifying the precise cause could be complex and time-consuming. Professional technicians can effectively pinpoint and rectify the issue more quickly.


Understanding and properly managing the F634 error and the functions of the emergency stop switch are essential for maintaining safety and efficiency in operations using Indramat products.

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