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Understanding the Indramat F860 Fault Code

9 October, 2023   |   Indramat, F860, Fault, Code, Repair, Diagnosis

Indramat Drive Controller F860 Error

Many industrial facilities established around two decades ago might still operate using Indramat products such as motors, drive controllers, and power supplies. These components are celebrated for their remarkable reliability and superior performance, providing long years of service. However, like any mechanical system, they may eventually encounter failures. When such failures occur, the drive controller's display will show a specific error code.


Among the various Indramat error codes, the F860 fault code stands out as a fatal error. This serious error requires immediate action and cannot be overlooked. Upon detection of a fatal error like this, the drive controller will immediately disable torque output and cease system operations, essentially freezing the system until repairs are made. On the drive controller's interface, the F860 error shows as two separate parts: "F8" and "60", which alternate on the display.


The drive controller's user manual identifies the F860 fault code as "Overcurrent: short in power stage." This condition occurs when the current measurement in the power transistor bridge more than doubles the peak current rating specified for the drive controller. If a short circuit manifests, any motor equipped with a holding brake will engage that brake without delay.


Common Causes of the F860 Fault Code

The appearance of the F860 fault code, triggered by a sudden surge in current through the power transistor bridge, is generally linked to three main issues:

1. A short circuit within the motor cable.

2. A faulty, malfunctioning, or damaged power section in the drive controller.

3. Improperly configured current loop parameters.



1. How can the F860 fault code be resolved?

   - To tackle the F860 fault, first inspect the motor cable for any short circuits. Replace the cable if a short is found. If the motor cable appears intact, check the power section of the drive controller for defects. A defective power section requires replacing the drive controller with an identical specification unit. Additionally, verify the current loop parameters and adjust them as needed.


2. Is it possible to fix the F860 fault code onsite?

   - Handling the F860 fault code onsite is feasible if the issue is confined to the motor cable or the current loop parameters, as these can often be resolved directly at the facility. However, if the fault involves a defective power section requiring controller replacement, it is recommended to consult with professionals.


By understanding these steps and guidelines, facilities using Indramat systems can effectively manage and remedy such critical errors to ensure continued operations and minimal downtime.

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